Thursday 28 June 2018

["Let Duplex do the talking"}

How many of you have watched Westworld- the tv series? It is currently one of the best tv series to watch out. It is basically about a theme park where many human looking robots functioning on AI technology live and the guests or real human beings visit this park to exploit the hosts or the robots. One day the robots gain consciousness through a software defect and they go on a rampage to kill the humans. So as you see this what happens when we depend too much on AI, robots.

There are many technologies used nowadays where we depend much on the AI like google now, siri, self-driving cars, alexa like personal assistants and etc. Google recently launched an AI application which can make our life easier as we would now not need to make every one of our important calls as google Duplex can do it without any difficulty.

What is google Duplex?

Google duplex can make real life communication with a human. It is not the already inserted computer generated voices that we hear when we make some calls. Duplex is also computer generated voice but with a touch of AI. So it can really interact with us and answer our questions naturally with words like ”hmm” and “uh” available in its software to make the interaction more human like such that we will get confused whether we are talking to a robot or a human. It is linked to Google assistant but is more than that. Google assistant can schedule a remainder for us to make a call at a particular time but it cannot call that particular person at that particular time or any time. But duplex can do it.

Duplex can make appointments for you like in hotels, restaurants, salons, cinema halls and this conversation was shown by google live at their launch event where duplex made live real world conversation in booking appointments at a hair salon and a restaurant. Duplex really talked to the reception of a hair salon and a restaurant in California and made bookings for owner. 
hair salon conversation  

restaurant conversation

We humans can talk to duplex like we are talking to normal human without adjusting our way of talking like when we converse with a computer generated voice.

Current changes being done

The natural conversation between humans has many breaks and complex words, loud and fast conversation which maybe a problem when duplex talks with humans in those conditions so google is doing lots of experiments and research to make the duplex the perfect tool for conversation.

Duplex will introduce itself like “Hi, I'm the Google Assistant, calling to make a reservation for a client. This automated call will be recorded”

How is it perfect?

The duplex system is so perfect that it is monitoring every call and recording so that it can be used in the future conversations without any error. These recordings are also used by google to bring changes in its map and other variables like timing column to benefit other customers too. And if the duplex is finding any conversation difficult, it can transfer it to the human so that he/she can complete it. We can even use google assistant which is directly linked to the google duplex. So we just have to remind google assistant to book an appointment at this time to this particular place and google assistant will schedule the google duplex to do the necessary task.

It can also help the hearing impaired and people who are not familiar to a local language to make the proper bookings.

Flaws in using duplex

There is a problem of privacy which is associated with duplex. As google duplex records the conversation, it invades privacy and breaks many laws. But google says that they will analyze the recordings and destroy it ASAP.

First there were no communication devices like mobiles, so people used to visit each other in person and that’s how they interacted. Then came cell phones through which they could contact any person in any part of the world. So with that live interaction or visiting a person slowly decreased. Then came the smart phones with smart apps through which humans could chat, write messages instead of calling them directly. It saved time and so the real interaction between people decreased more. Now here comes the duplex through which robots will interact for us and we can be busy in our other daily activities.

Google duplex is basically the advanced intelligent version of chatbot. It is going to be released to public in this summer.  For more information visit googleduplex

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