Saturday 2 February 2019

“Too lazy to clean your house, no problem”

In this busy day of ours, we try to do everything that matters to us. Waking in the morning, preparing food, washing clothes, going to work, exercising, shopping, sleeping, travelling and many other things that we do matters to us and consumes our time too. Cleaning our house or lawn is also an essential thing and sometimes laziness affects us which leads to an untidy house. Maids come and go but some dust remains whatsoever.

Laziness can be tolerated but an untidy premises due to that cannot be and must not be given way for. Cleanliness is next to godliness and the great Gandhi ji even said that “Sanitation is more important than Independence”. To be clean means to be healthy, wealthy and wise. Many of the working class may not have time to clean their house on a regular basis and sometimes to the outdoors too. They might do cleaning once a month or when some guests arrive. Lack of time and laziness may be the problem but as every problem has a solution, this problem too has a solution and that is iRobot

simple smartphone control

iRobot is a 29 year old company based in Massachusetts, USA. It has sold around 25 million robotic devices to various customers and has its offices in UK, China, Hong Kong and India. iRobot has every type of robotic devices that will automatically do all your household cleaning work just with the help of your smartphone. Let’s talk about each device one by one.

1. Roomba

Roomba is an automatic robotic vacuum cleaner and is one of the most popular and leading brands in American household. There are various versions of Roomba available from the iRobot company depending upon their features and cost. The latest one is the Roomba i7 model. Roomba can be controlled through smartphone with a pre- installed iRobot HOME app from the company. You could set the rooms which you want to clean on the app and Roomba will move into those rooms systematically using the imprint smart mapping technology. You just need a good Wi-Fi connection and you could even control your Roomba device with google assistant feature or amazon Alexa device. It claims to be pick more and large pet hairs than a normal vacuum. They have high tech sensors to distinguish the objects, multi-surface brushes and a suction to suck every minute to large soil particles in the house. You also get a wall barrier with high end models in which the Roomba will automatically store the dirt collected into a small bin present inside the barrier. Roomba will automatically travel to the barrier without any human help. The Roomba price ranges from $299 to $1099 and is available in India also. 
wall barrier

2. Braava

with jet spray

With Roomba your floor may be free of dirt and other soil particles but will it look fresh and shining. To make a floor shining, you need to clean it with water and maybe your time and laziness doesn’t allow it. No problem with that too, as iRobot has a robot cleaner which sprays water onto the floor from its jet spray and cleans that area with a cloth attached under it. This mop robot is called Braava. It cleans every kind of stain on your floor and the floor can be tile, wood or stone. It has three modes of cleaning which is wet mopping, damp sweeping and dry are sweeping. Just attach the preferred pad underneath Braava and press the clean button and see how automatically it cleans every nook and corner of your room. After cleaning, throw the pad into a bin without even touching it by pressing a button on the Braava. Like Roomba, Braava also works on iRobot HOME app. There are 2 versions available for $199 and $299.

insert the pad

remove the pad

3. Mirra

As we are done with cleaning the inside of our house, let’s move outdoors to clean our pools. Any season, doesn’t matter as pools are full of leaves, dirt and bacteria. What if you are planning to swim in your pool to escape the humid climate? You will have to clean the large pool as quickly as possible. Mirra is a pool cleaning robot from iRobot which works exactly like Roomba but inside a pool. The main feature of Mirra is that it not only cleans the floor of the pool but even cleans the walls of the pool by walking on it, defying gravity. It sucks in large particles like leaves and hair and small particles up to the size of 2 microns like pollen, algae and bacteria. So no more chlorination needed. It can filter almost 70 gallons of water per minute. Just attach the power cord to Mirra and drop it into the pool and press the CLEAN button on an external device kept outside the pool. Mirra using its iAdapt Nautiq technology will clean every corner of the pool. After cleaning, remove the dirt from the easy detachable carrier placed in Mirra and swim in the pool as much as you want. Mirra costs around $1099.

inside the pool

on the wall

4. Terra

 Nearby the pool, you could see a lawn which has not be maintained for a long time. No problem as Terra robot mower from iRobot is there for you. It trims the extra grass in your lawn in an organized, straight line navigation method using the same technology that is used in other iRobot devices which is smart mapping technology.  With the help of iRobot HOME app and a beacon installed in the lawn, Terra automatically moves around the lawn mowing the grass. It is the latest product from iRobot and the prices have not been announced yet.

smart mapping technology

beacon technology

Technology has come a long way and is not done yet. Maybe the above mentioned gadgets have taken place of a maid and a gardener. But the gadgets have also made our life easier and more efficient. There are 2 sides of a coin and we have to choose one. We cannot choose either the sides or no sides at all. We have to be part of the technology in one way or the other.

Friday 1 February 2019


Smriti is running down the streets. There is heavy rain in Rangpur, a village in rural India. Some streets away, you could see some heavy-built men wearing white shirt and blue jeans driving at full speed in their bullets. They are chasing Smriti. It is 10 pm and the streets are almost empty and silent with just few stray dogs roaming and sleeping around. Why are they chasing her? Let’s go back a few months back.

Rangpur is a beautiful village located in Bihar with big trees and large fields. Smriti’s husband Lalit is a small time farmer, who grows strawberries in his 2 acres of farm. Strawberries of his farm are very famous around the village and they are sold for high prices due to its demand and quality. He sells them to shops and supermarkets in cities and with that money, he looks after his wife and children. With his sole income, Lalit was able to take care of his family very well. He and his family could afford food 3 times a day which many farmers there could not. He could send his 2 children to school and buy toys and clothes for them during festivals.

Everything was going well but one fine day, it happened and was not usual. Early morning Lalit came to his farm to see many of his full grown strawberries missing from the 2 acre of land. He had no idea who did this. These strawberries used to take almost 2 months to fully grow. The strawberries were stolen and not by some animals but by some men who work for Ramdhar Singh. Ramdhar Singh is a property developer and an influential man in Rangpur. Ramdhar is like a mobile bank in the village where he provides money in the form of loans with high interests to small and medium income farmers. As the strawberries were costly, they would sell these strawberries in markets and use that money for their alcohol and drug needs. They had the guts to do anything in Rangpur because they worked for Ramdhar. Lalit was unaware of these things. He complained to the panchayat head but they were not ready to give any kind of compensation or look deeply into the matter as they thought some animals would have done it.

This incident was a big loss for Lalit whose earning came from these strawberries alone. It affected his family for months in many ways. It affected family’s food intake, his children’s education and their happy life.  Lalit also like many other farmers of the village took loan from Ramdhar for his strawberry farming. Ramdhar was aware of his men doing this crime but he ignored it as it was not a big crime according to him. Lalit was not able to pay his loan to Ramdhar this time. He explained him the reason but Ramdhar chose to ignore it and rather shouted at him to pay the money on time or else to face the consequences. Smriti also pleaded to Ramdhar to give her husband some more time. Ramdhar had something else going on his mind. He was infatuated with Smriti from the time she came into the village as Lalit’s wife. He wanted her at any cost. This was the opportunity he was looking for to get close to her. Ramdhar gave him some more weeks’ time to return the money. Ramdhar was very much sure that Lalit will not be able to pay his debt on time as he did not have the resources except his home and land and finally he would have to fall prey to his demands.

Lalit became really worried and decided to sell Smriti’s jewelry in order to pay the debt. With the jewelry’s money, he could pay only half of his debts. Lalit became really depressed and started consuming alcohol. At this extreme stage, Smriti became really worried about her husband’s present condition. She decided to help him by doing household chores in landlords and rich people’s mansion. With her hard earned money, she was able to pay the remaining debts and bring back Lalit back to his normal life.

Now as his debts were payed off, Lalit did not want Smriti to work anymore. He was worried hearing her story of workplaces where she was physically and mentally abused as she belonged to a low caste and she being a woman.

Here Ramdhar was totally disturbed by these events as everything was going against his plans. He wanted Smriti at any cost and the only way to do it was to somehow bring Lalit to the depressed and begging state he was. He decides to wait for something to happen or to make it happen.

Lalit and his family were debt ridden and were happily living their life like the one they were living before. It was Diwali time and they had gone to the city to do some shopping. After returning from the city, they saw their house all burned up. He or the villagers had no idea how it happened. It was Diwali time, so they concluded that the fire must have been originated from the diya(candle) which was light inside the house. Lalit along with the villagers were able to bring the fire down and save some important household items but not the house. The family was on the road. This was a well-planned attack on Lalit by none other than Ramdhar whose men had done this in the dark.

Ramdhar saw this opportunity to get close to Smriti and decided to help Lalit. Lalit decided to take help from Ramdhar to build a new house. He gave money to Lalit and this time his conditions were soft. Ramdhar decided to charge no interest and also gave a time period of 6 months to return the full amount. But he did not want a single day delay in getting his money back. Lalit was very happy with the conditions and Ramdhar could see his plans working out.

4 months passed by and Lalit was working hard in building his small house as well as growing strawberries in his farm. Even Smriti was helping Lalit by working in a primary school as cook. 5 months and 21 days passed by and after all his limited expenses, his savings were not enough to be paid to Ramdhar. Smriti was using her money for family’s daily needs and children’s education. Each day was a struggle for them.

Finally the day comes. Lalit is sitting with Smriti in his field worrying about how to pay the money back to Ramdhar. Various thoughts go through their mind and even suicide. Suddenly Ramdhar’s men come searching for Lalit and finds him in the field. They tell him to come with them to Ramdhar’s house immediately to talk about the money. Smriti warns him to be careful. Lalit goes with them and tells Ramdhar about his present condition of not able to pay the money on time. He begs on his feet to give him few more days and also promises to provide any kind of help till the day he returns the money. Ramdhar hearing this, thinks of a plan to misuse Lalit and his family. He tells Lalit not to worry about the money and gives him few more weeks. Ramdhar also demands Lalit to grow the strawberries in his own field for free till the money is returned. Lalit accepts his demand. Before leaving, as a token of thanks, Ramdhar request Lalit to have a drink with him. Lalit refuses at first but Ramdhar insists him to do so. They drink till night and Lalit is fully in the drunken state with an unconscious mind.

Seeing Lalit’s condition, Ramdhar sees the opportunity to run his crooked plan and brings in a legal paper for Lalit to sign. He makes Lalit to do the thumb impression on the paper. Lalit is not in a state to understand anything. This legal paper was going to change his life. The paper read out as follows,” incase Lalit is unable to pay Ramdhar’s money on time, he will be ready to sell his wife Smriti to Ramdhar till the full amount is returned”. The moment for which Ramdhar was waiting for years had finally arrived.

It was 9pm and was heavily raining in the place. Smriti was really worried about Lalit as he had not returned home till now. She leaves her children at the neighbor’s house and goes to find him. She reaches Ramdhar’s house all wet and worried. She inquires Ramdhar about Lalit. He lies to her about Lalit who was locked in one of his rooms by telling her that he left already in the evening. Smriti becomes more worried and tells him that Lalit has not returned home till now. She pleads him to help her in finding Lalit.

Ramdhar tells her” why should you worry about Lalit, you are not his property any more as he sold you to me and he left for some other place. He could not pay my money back so he traded you. Now I am your owner and you are my slave”. Smriti did not believe this till Ramdhar showed her the legal papers that Lalit had signed. She accuses Ramdhar of misusing her husband and tells him that her husband would die before doing such an evil thing. She threatens him of police enquiry. Now Ramdhar hearing all this becomes frustrated and orders his men to get hold of Smriti and lock her in a room. She immediately takes the liquor bottle kept on the table and smashes them on one of the men’s head and runs away.

She runs through the streets and fields shouting for help. She falls, injures herself but keeps on running in this heavy rain to escape from the thugs, who follow her on bike and on foot. The whole village is inside their houses. There is no silence in the village due to thunder and rain. Finally she reaches a bridge with an overflowing river under it. She is in a dilemma whether to jump or not. The picture of Lalit and children comes to her mind. There is no other way to escape other than jumping into the river. The thugs are coming to her from both sides. She is surrounded and afraid. She has no other option but to jump. She decides not be a slave to anyone till she is alive. Smriti jumps into the flowing river and ends her life.

Friday 18 January 2019

“Hey mirror, make me fit”

Many of you might have heard of the Disney story of the Evil queen and the mirror where the queen asks the mirror daily “who is the most fairest person in the land” and the mirror lies by saying that “you are the fairest in the land, my queen”, which she is not. In this fictional story, the mirror is lying just to please its evil queen but what if I say there is mirror that cannot talk to you but can surely make you fit and fine.

Mirror as is the name is a real mirror that can be used by you for your daily grooming needs when switched off and for your fitness needs when switched on and connected to the Wi-Fi or to an internet Ethernet cable.  It is an IoT product that is connected to the app on your mobile (iOS only) which helps you to do various types of exercises to make you fit and fine. The various types of exercises include cardio, yoga, strength exercises, Pilates, boxing and Barre to name a few.

The mirror structure
The frame of the mirror is made of carbon steel with bronze powder coating. It is having a good display with 40” full HD 1080p display and 178* wide viewing angle. It is running on a quad core processor to make your exercise schedules right on time. It has a 5 megapixel front camera and a high fidelity stereo speakers and an omnidirectional microphone to communicate with the personal trainers. There is AC current flowing through it and has a 1ft and 6ft right angle UL certified cables to connect to the socket. The mirror is available in 2 types, one is wall stand type and the other is the hang mount one.
wall stand

hang mount

Biometric fitness details
You can connect your apple smartwatch to the mirror and the app and record your heart rates, calories and other variables and work upon it accordingly. The algorithm set in the mirror helps you to set targets daily according to your body strength and get better daily. You just need to make your profile on the app and you will be provided with biometric details of your fitness routine daily on the app.

How does it work?
When you open the app and the Bluetooth on your iPhone, it gets connected to the mirror(connected to internet) which acts like a screen from where you could see the trainers live through an embedded camera or through the recorded videos who will train you in every kind of exercises available on the earth. It is like watching and following the steps on a YouTube video. In this case the mirror acts as your screen.

Personal trainers and personalized classes
You will be provided with personal trainers who will come live on the mirror and give you instructions with set time. They will also keep you motivated like the real gym trainers do. They are certified and one of the top instructors in the country.

You can also train live with your friends and set targets between each other for better training. You could upload your selfie with your fitness record so that your friends and trainers can go through it. You will be provided with 50+ new live classes per week. You can also go through the already available on-demand workout videos anytime during your busy day. You can also get personal training instructors and their subsequent personal training sessions. This is beneficial for those people who are working out to reduce their weight or someone who is getting ready for a fitness or beauty contest.

Accessories that come by
For those who have compulsion of listening to music while training, need not worry as mirror is fitted with embedded speakers on which you can play your favorite playlist just by syncing the mirror with the Bluetooth of your phone or other device. It syncs with Spotify premium. Along with the mirror you can also buy extra accessories that will help you in your daily exercise. These include Bluetooth heart rate monitor, fitness bands and mirror care kit.

The mirror costs a whopping $1495 and is available right now in USA only. So if you got money, why wait? Order the mirror, open the app and get fit.

Thursday 10 January 2019

the fastest working toothbrush in the world

Teeth are an integral part of our body. They are like diamonds and we shine them every morning. Some shine them twice a day also. For some, especially children, brushing is a hectic job, they just want to get up and have their delicious breakfast. And some people take long time to brush till they find it white, which is kind of harmful to the teeth. Not taking proper care of teeth can lead to severe pain and even replacing the damaged tooth.

As an answer to the laziness of some individuals and also for proper maintenance of your teeth, there is a product developed by a French company FasTeesh. This product is the Y-brush.

The Y-brush claims to clean your teeth in just 10 seconds, both upper and lower part combined in 10 secs.

Bass method

It is an electronic brush which automatically brushes and cleans your teeth. The brush uses the Bass method for brushing which has proven to be the most effective way to remove plaque or bio film between the gums and the teeth. In this method the bristles of the brush at kept at a 45* angle to the line where the gums meet the teeth. Then the brush is stroked slowly and patiently which does the work.

How to use the Y-brush?

  1. The usage of Y-brush is real simple. You can add your daily toothpaste. You will be given an applicator along with Y-brush so that the toothpaste is applied properly over the brush reaching all parts. Seeing the size of the toothbrush, you may require more toothpaste than your normal usage which is kind of a ‘-‘point of this brush.
  2. Then place the brush in to your mouth, first in the upper part. The handle of the brush has 3 vibration modes which can be set according to your sensitivity. Different for different age groups. You just need to buy one handler for the whole family and different Y-brushes or you can buy according to your needs.
  3. Turn the button on and chew for 5 seconds and then remove the brush and place it in the lower end and repeat the same procedure and after 5 seconds, remove it and you are done.
  4. After the usage light rinse the brush with water as usual.

This is the time saving brush that every family needs. The brush comes in 4 sizes, 2 adult, 1 child and 1 intermediate size. With Y brush, you will give 5 seconds to each tooth which is 4 times more than what you give with a normal brush or an electric brush, according to FasTeesh.

Nylon bristles work better than silicon’s

The Y-brush bristles are not made of the usual silicon but are nylon bristles which are soft bristles and dentist recommended also. They are the best for removing plaques and debris between your teeth along the gums. It is very much comfortable for any mouth size. Nylon bristles along with sonic vibration produced by the handler cleans your teeth perfectly.

The handler part

The Y-brush can be used for almost 6 months with 2 uses per day, after that you need to replace the brush. The handler is charged through the process of induction/wireless and takes almost 8 hrs for a full charge which lasts up to a month. You can keep you brush in a provided dock when not in use.

At last the cost!

The Y-brush comes in various packages for you to buy according to your family needs and now comes in green colour. A single Y-brush which consists of a Y shaped brush and a handler costs 109 euro and the additional brush costs 20 euro which you need to change every 6 month according to the usage.

The Y-brush is best suitable for persons with disability and aged people who are not able to take care for themselves. Spending 8800 Rs on a tooth brush is too much even for an upper middle class family, but if you really need it, go or it.
You can buy them at  kickstarter.