Friday 20 October 2017

The other Side of AI

AI or artificial intelligence is the most talked about and the technology of the future. AI can bring a drastic change in the tech world as similar to the smart phones, app, Whatsapp, Facebook have given to the world.  Every major tech company like google, apple, Microsoft, Facebook are betting on this technology and are doing massive research and investing billions into it. Through AI our lives will be made simpler and smarter as the inbuilt software will help us in our daily chores and solve our complex scientific problems, teach us how to play chess and many more things.

But with every technology there is side effect of the tech or bane of it, likewise AI also has its negative effects and they are major and needs to be researched and thought about properly. In the movie transformers, terminator, I- robot or endhiran, we saw what can happen when a robot can do when its software malfunctions. These robots were surviving on AI technology and when their software started the process of self-learning, they became violent and attacked human kind. The things shown in these movies are somewhat what’s going to happen in the future if we don’t take necessary steps on AI right now.

Stephen Hawking said to BBC- "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."
Elon Musk tweeted – “China, Russia, soon all countries w strong computer science. Competition for AI superiority at national level most likely cause of WW3 imo (in my opinion)
 Even Vladimir Putin said the country which will be leading in AI will be the future leader.

Major negative points on AI
1.     AI has been used by Taxi drivers in Japan to track the customers who are going to book their taxi. The AI system developed by NTT DoCoMo guesses future taxi request and leads drivers to high possible locations. In this process the AI tracks Passengers through their phone Wi-Fi which already affect their privacy and AI progresses on with self-learn and acts upon it. So with self-learn it does not depend on the guidance or order of humans which makes them independent to take decisions which is dangerous.

2.     When industrial revolution happened back in the 19th century millions of people lost their jobs as machines took their place. In this modern 21st century AI is the new form of industrial revolution which is going to take place of the intelligent working class. Now AI will solve complex problems whether related to engineering or commerce. 2017 saw dip in the job vacancies in the IT sector as AI was initialised into IT sector. Many bank jobs could be taken by Automation in the near future. The low and middle level jobs are the ones that are going to be the most affected.     
3.     AI is being used in many government offices in many countries to take important decisions. AI with their experience and self-learning Algorithm, they can make decisions like whether to give loans to a particular person in bank so with machines predicting for decision making, wrong decisions can also be made after all machines don’t have feelings.   

4.     On December 2014, in Sydney there was terrorist attack and to escape the same, people started booking uber in the affected area. As the bookings for uber were too much, the AI algorithm used in uber bookings increased the prices. As demands were more and supply was less, the AI algorithm surged the prices and it lead to panics and backlashes at uber for increasing prices at such an emergency situation.
5.     As Obama said AI can be used to hack nuclear codes and launch them creating a world war. Hacking is the biggest cybercrimes that is trending now and if the software algorithm of missiles and war machines are hacked it can affect the whole mankind.
6.     AI used in self-driving cars can be hazardous as we seen in the case of Tesla cars. The algorithms may be not accurate or the software may be hacked as we have seen in the movie fast and furious of 2017.

7.     Depending too much on AI information and help can truly make humans lazy and irresponsible and they will totally start depending on AI for information searching as well as for lighting the lamp in their home.
8.     There is also scarcity of loss of information that is stored inside the AI machine. After all it is a machine and it can be corrupted and lose their data if there is electricity breakdown or other natural calamities occurring.

Last but not the least, machines are machines and always will be machines. They cannot replace the human intelligence, creativity or feelings.   

Monday 2 October 2017

here comes the smart jacket!

In this smart world, as everything is becoming smart from mobile phones to automobiles to our homes, why not we try to make the clothes that we wear also smart. No needs to try as google and Levi’s have already done it and have come up with Levi’s commuter trucker jacket. The main feature of this jacket is that it is touch sensitive and will respond to our hand actions.  Project Jacquard is the name given to this project which is made collaboratively by google and Levi’s. The head of the project is Ivan Poupyrev.

“This jacket has been specially made for people who commute by 2 wheelers as for them picking up their phone to receive a call during driving is quite difficult.” 

How is the jacket made?
They have made the whole fabric touch sensitive which acts like a touch screen. The whole jacket is made up of threads of cooper wires and also has a battery which lasts up to 2 weeks with USB charging facility. They integrated capacitive threads with a copper core into the denim jacket and then used a tiny Bluetooth dongle that is attached to the button on the sleeve and is detachable also.
This Bluetooth dongle obviously gets connected to the android as well as apple phones and starts functioning. The LED on the dongle lights up when there is an incoming call or message. Jacquard is safe to use in rainy season but is not fully waterproof.

Gadget cum garment
This jacket is washable and acts like a proper cloth. There are 4 gestures through which you can make the jacket work. They are brush in
, brush out
, double tap
and holding your hand on the fabric
. You can lean the whole tutorial from the jacquard app provided.

How does it work?
So when you are travelling on your 2 wheeler and a call comes, you can just swipe in or swipe out on your jacket and you will get audio signals of your call or message without even picking up your phone from your pocket. It is a safer method and will help in curbing accidents.

The jacquard system automatically detects when the jacket is worn by you and when you remove it. When you wear it, it automatically connects to your phone. This jacket allows taking calls and texts from important people only.

Music control and map directions
Jacquard jacket also allows controlling your music while you are listening to it. It has playing & pausing option, next option and previous option.
It also allows saving your home and work address location through google maps. So when you double tap the sleeves of the jacket it will speak to you and guide you with the directions.

The jacket is said to be available by October 2nd in Levi’s stores in USA for a cost of $350.